вторник, 17 декабря 2013 г.
пятница, 13 декабря 2013 г.
5 boyz are ready to win
I'm happy to say , that finally i made first 5 ork boyz to my army.
It takes a lot of time, cause I had to choose a color scheme in all details, like belts, guns, skin, etc.
And finally I tried vallejo sandy paste on new bases.
Now I'll show you picture of the boyz , that I made with my phone camera, and in the evening (or may be at night) I'll make a better ones with normal camera, lights and so on.

As I said before, I took 2 commission works : 2 Riptides (They will be in black'n'white) and 5 night lords on a bikes. Both will be paint in standart tabletop.
I promise that soon i show you photos of commission, and then we'll be back to orks, sw and other guys.
пятница, 6 декабря 2013 г.
A finally chose final scheme to my ork boyz (but they all will be different, with alot of variations i hope)
So the first one (without a base), he is a tough guy with a intersting story and such interesting shoota

Keep im mind, this is a pre-photo (the some changes can be made), the final work will be with 5 shootaboyz (i hope i'll finish then at sunday)
At the end of the post i share a photo of a Space Wolves Drod Pod

This work was made under the impression of
- Łukasz Grzyb (really cool painter) http://fantasygames.com.pl (you should find some time to see his works)
- http://minimanie.de (they painted best wolf scouts I've ever seen )
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